Monday, October 09, 2006

3BT and An Autumn Day

In honour of Clare's blogsite 3 beautiful things that I have encountered today:

1. Waking up to my O-man covering me up with a snuggly blanket because I looked cold to him, then drifting blissfully back to sleep toasty warm.

2. Watching squirrels jumping from tree branch to tree branch as the yellowing leaves float down to the autumn leaf carpet below.

3. Drinking hot coffee while standing on the roof deck in the last of the warm sun as a fresh chilly wind whips around me...the city is quiet, its Columbus day holiday, no cars, trucks or police sirens...blissful peace.

And the day has just begun...

Thanks for the inspiration Clare!


At 1:32 AM, Blogger Queenmatrai said...

Lucky Lucky You

Three beautiful things that happened to me today...

1. A nice hot water shower with LUSH soap

2. A hot cup of cappucino made especially for me

3. No insane traffic on the way to work

...and its only noon :)


At 1:15 PM, Blogger Jerrster said...

lovely...all of it.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger ozchic_9 said...

so Savana and Jerrster, whats 3 beautiful things that have happened to you today?


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