Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"The deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task" (Wikepedia)

I am the QUEEN OF PROCRASTINATION...welcome to my world! 2yrs ago I joined a gym with great intentions of getting a 6 pack washboard tummy and buns of steel, but I have a jelly belly and buns of cottage cheese. Not once...I repeat...not once have I stepped foot inside this gym to workout. Over $1000 later and I am feeling just a little guilty and ashamed of myself. I keep putting it off for numerous "appropriate" reasons.

1. I have too much to do (for example watch Jerry Springer repeats and Sudoku)
2. I am too tired after work (I work part time...actually I have 6 days off right now!)
3. The gym is too far away (I can walk it in 40 mins, or catch the train in 20mins)
4. I have no-one to share the experience with (I sit at home by myself on my days off anyway)
5. I dont know how to work the machines and people will laugh at me (because I've never actually been there to work out how to use the machines!)

Fact of the matter is...I was born lazy! I believe I can do it tomorrow, or the next day or the next. The underlying truths are that I don't think I am worth it and I FEAR it...fear being laughed at, of making mistakes, of the unknown. So I have decided enough is enough. I am gonna go to that damn hellhole of a gym and get myself that 6 pack and steely ass.

But today I'm kinda 'busy' so I'll call and make an appointment with a trainer tomorrow...


At 9:07 AM, Blogger ozchic_9 said...

Yeah I still haven't done it...sweaty cracks definately dont motivate me...lol...I don't know what will!


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