5 Most Annoying Things About Human Beings?
OK, maybe it's PMS, maybe its coming up to a full moon or maybe I am just fed up! Here is a list of 5 things people do that really annoy me (for today at least ;)
1. When you thank someone and they reply "uh huh!"
What kind of an answer is this? I dont necessarily expect a "you're welcome!" but at least acknowledge that someone appreciates you with a decent response. Perhaps a "no problem" or a "no worries" as they say downunder! Or even a "sure!" Just don't discount me with a dumb uh huh anymore people!
2. People pushing to get on a full train before letting people get off...this is just plain old stupid!! Also a side note to all those people who put their bags on seats despite people having to stand especially the pregnant and elderly...what's up with that? Even worse those spread eagled men who must be so huge they have to take up 2 seats...dream on buddy!
3. When I say "good morning" or "hello" to you ...please acknowledge me with a smile, a nod, grunt or response of any human kind...nothing worse than being totally ignored
4. Telemarketers...sorry I know you're just doing your job, but really??? Next time they call, do a Seinfield and tell them you're busy but if they give you their home phone number you could call them back later tonight or early in the morning...works everytime!
5. People who honk at you if you are 1 second too slow to leave at a green light. So you will be 1 second later getting to your arrival...leave earlier next time dumbass! See...road rage begets road rage!
So these annoyances might seem insignificant to some (and believe me, I have plenty...just trying to keep it "lighthearted"), but they just manage to peeve me right off...so go ahead take a deep breath and get it off your chests...what are 5 stupid things that annoy you about your fellow human beings?
1. husband leaving his dirty underwear hanging on the bathroom door knob!
2. People who dont pick up their dog's shit, or they do and leave the plastic bag on the sidewalk...aaaargh
3. People who can't make decisions and are constantly asking me "what do YOU think?"
OK I feel better know...thanx Hot Tamale grrrrrlllls
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